Project Tea Garden is a three month fundraiser to raise £5,000. The tea garden workers in Bangladesh are one of the poorest people groups in SE Asia. They are the most exploited in SE Asia in terms of:
Wages (averaging 78p day)
Education (most are illiterate having had no schooling)
Insecure housing (dependant on work targets being met)
Health (around 80% are malnourished or wasting). They have no access to healthcare and are unaware of sight saving operations (which are vital when a child is going blind).
So we are going in to help them.
We have recruited a lovely tea garden girl called Mamony. She has received training at Moulvibazar Eye Hospital and is going door-to-door in the tea gardens (including Kalighat, her home), to test the eyes of every child under 16-years-old and assess them for treatment and/or surgery.
Every child Mamony finds, who needs treatment, will be referred to Moulvibazar Eye Hospital and paid for by your donations.
Mamony is also going to be raising awareness of health and hygiene.
We are determined to show these people they are not forgotten and that we care.
Could you help us support Mamony and pay towards treatment that will enable these children to see? Visit our Donate page here.
Read more about the tea gardens of Bangladesh by visiting our Project Tea Garden page.